Category: Rant

  • Front Office

    Hi, I’ve got a sick kid that needs an appointment today. Ok, what’s the problem? Low grade fever off and on, some vomiting, another person in our house had sore throat last week. Ok! How long have they had symptoms? Since midday Saturday. Ok, got it. Based on the dr’s survey questions, we suggest you…

  • Did I Ever Tell You I Love Being on Hold?

    So, I just noticed that I added a doctor appointment to my calendar with a date, but no time. Ok, let me just call the office and get that time. 10:30am – Hello! You’re caller #7, please wait for the next available operator. Ugh, I’ll try later. 3:10pm – Hello! You’re caller #3, please wait…

  • Modern Customer Support

    So, I’ve got a broken fridge. Made arrangements for a service call. Arrival window came and went, nobody showed up or contacted me. Here’s the follow up: me: uh, I had a service call scheduled for yesterday. technician was no show, no contact. them: ok. let me look at your account. sir, your appointment is…

  • Scheduling

    Background: 2 kids have dental appointments back to back. Need cancel second appointment due to scheduling conflict. Call 1: Me: Hey, I need to cancel my kids dental appointment.Them: ok, when do you want to reschedule?Me: anytime after is fine.Them: we’re booked out past valentines day currently. I can put you on call for cancellations…

  • Sigh

    them: estimated wait time 2 minutes.<10 minutes later>them: you want a callback?me: yepthem: an agent will call you back when available<20 minutes later>them: ring ring, this is your requested a callback, press 1 to acknowledge.them: great, you’re #2 in the queue. we’ll talk to you shortly.<15 minutes later>them: hi… how can I help you?

  • MacOS, sigh…

    Shot my foot off messing around with sshfs and a VM on my antsle nano. I somehow managed to get a mount hosed and the only way to recover is reboot my host mac (mount -f and diskutil are no help, they just hang…)  This is not a new problem, but I know how to…

  • My Favorite Kind of Friction

    Got my renewal notice from AAA in the mail recently.  Decided that we really don’t need the service any more.  We haven’t had a service call in over 5 years and we don’t save enough money from their discounts to recover the $100 yearly charge. So, I logged into my account to cancel.  Cool!  there’s…

  • On Medical Scheduling…

    Have a kid that needs some imaging.  PA put in order and said if imaging department doesn’t call back, here’s the number to call.  Ok, cool… except the front office took the checkout sheet that had the number (and some other notes) when we checked out. Grumble. A few weeks go by, no call.  Ugh,…

  • Um, apple what’s up?

    The wife has been on me to fix a problem on her computer for a while now.  She’s barraged by near constant prompts to enter a password for the dozens of processes that need access to the Local Items keychain.  Somehow, on her computer the password for that keychain got changed (it starts off the same…

  • Eff’n Insurance

    So, its been on my list to switch over from the rental insurance that my apartment complex recommended (kickback, cough cough), to our preferred insurance provider. You know the one that rhymes with ‘fate harm’. We took a pretty big hit when I canceled the homeowner’s policy. Turns out multi-line (house and auto) racks up…