
  • PhotoBlogger Update

    Messed around with my PhotoBlogger s’more this morning. Finished the WAP version of the POP3 client that scans a mailbox for new postings. With a little testing help from Opera (which renders WML with great debugger), it was pretty easy to get it up and running directly from the phone. Next, I put together a…

  • Say cheese!

    In addition to my text blog, I’m trying to come up with a nifty photo blog. The kicker is that the pictures will come directly from my Nokia 6225i cell phone. IE, the phone has internet connectivity so I can basically mail pictures straight to my website without needing to use a computer. The glue…

  • flipped the switch…

    Late last night (well late for me anyway), I turned on the home page making my site officially live. There’s still some loose ends to wrap up, but the site is pretty much together at this point. Feel free to drop me a comment via the blog or by email.

  • computerworld: shark tank

    when signing up for a free computerworld subscription, I found an interesting email list called “shark tank”. its a daily IT related story told from the developer/system admin’s perspective. most of them are a hoot. more than once, you’ll say, “I thought it was just me…” hehe. you can read the archives or sign up…

  • Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Duh, timezone is relative to server timezone, not local. Guess my host is somewhere in the central timezone. Hmm, that’s kinda funny. I never even thought about where the host was located before. Ah, the magic of the internet age, I don’t need care about where it is!

  • Test

    just trying to get the time zone worked out…