
  • I’m baaaaack!

    Back to business, I’m back from Maui and slowly but surely getting back into blogging and getting some new bells and whistles together for the site. Stay tuned!

  • Long time, no blog?

    Yes, I am still alive; and, I’m still interested in blogging! Unfortunately, time is the issue. With the wedding fast approaching, free time is at a minimum. I actually have a bunch of cool posts in the queue, but I just don’t have the time time to get them properly written up. So with one…

  • Music Newz

    Just learned through my favorite news source, Fark, that Gene Simmons has new solo album coming out. A**hole hits the stories this Tuesday. Alleged guests and collaborators include Bob Dylan, and the entire Zappa family. More preview info here. What do you get when mix G’n’R with Stone Temple Pilots? Hmm, Velvet Revolver. A review…

  • Retrogaming

    Ok. Its not just me. Everybody is rediscovering the magic of vintage video gaming. Pong, Pac-Man, Dig Dug. Atari 2600, Sega Master System, NES! Ah, the fond memories of youth! NYT Article – Revenge of Pac-Man: Vintage Games Are Back Excuse me as I while away the hours playing Enduro Racer on my Sega Dreamcast’s…

  • Nokia phones rock!

    When I was shopping for a new cell phone recently, I was really lusting after a Handspring Treo 600. But, it at $500, it was pretty much out of my cell phone budget. So, I thought I’d have to settle for a Nokia 6225i. After reading Sprint’s manual for the phone, I began to think…

  • Minor Vonage Update

    When you transfer your existing phone number to Vonage, you need to fax them a Letter of Authorization (LOA) and copy of the first page of your current phone bill. Easy enough. So, dropped the pages in the fax and keyed in their number. Dag nabbit, the fax tried to eat the second page of…