Category: Misc Tech

  • Off to the Recycler

    I always think I have uses for decommissioned cell phones, but they just pile up in a storage bin tucked away in a closet. Ok, lets send these guys back the great bit beyond. From left to right: SIM cards removed, memory wiped. Yeah, I could probably put them on eBay and make a few…

  • Progress

    The last time I needed to mass convert some music files was about 10 years ago when moving some bootlegs off of optical media onto a network drive. Ripping a CDs worth of lossless SHN files to WAV took a few minutes; then re-encoding the same to FLAC took another few minutes. Recently, I found…

  • Finally crossed something off my to do list.

    Freed up some space in the bedroom and put our old living TV on the wall. I wouldn’t try to chin up off the mount, but it was plenty strong to hold a TV though. The wire hanging down offends my OCD sense a bit, but I’ll just get over it.

  • PSA Trolling

    Be nice.

  • Um, maybe not?

    I was considering replacing my aged computer speakers.  So I went to amazon and searched for Computer Speakers and sorted by rating.  The first hit in the list turns out to be folks selling the speakers that I was looking to replace used. Pretty skeptical that folks will pay $100 or more for 15 year old…

  • The Joys of Printing

    Wanted to print out 10 photos.  Here’s the workflow: Import pictures from camera into Photos app. Cull out the photos to print. Fix up brightness for printing. Crop for printing. Print. Reset router because a non-related Kindle hangs router. Print. Printer outputs 5 pictures and reports out of Yellow ink. Change Yellow cartridge. Print. Printer outputs 3…

  • Scanner Pro by Readdle

    Not an app I use every day, but it really hits the spot when I do need it.  Its about 99% less hassle than using my real world scanner and about 90% faster to boot; worth every penny. Readdle is a pioneer of iOS App Store, one of the first companies to create file management…

  • How a Bug in My Ruby Code Cost Code School $13,000

    Yikes! Important lessons and takeaways learned from a mistake in our Ruby code that proved costly for Code School. Source: How a Bug in My Ruby Code Cost Code School $13,000

  • smth

    Send Me to Heaven, for the days when your cell phone won’t stop ringing. Source: smth

  • Apple Watch Teardown – iFixit

    Mercy me, that’s a lot of stuff jammed into that tiny package.  After not wearing a watch routinely for a few years now, I not tripping over myself to get one. Apple Watch 2015 Teardown on Thursday April 23, 2015. Source: Apple Watch Teardown – iFixit