Category: Food

  • Bacon Bacon Bacon

    Yep the Bacon Method in action again.

  • A Little Overdone

    Got distracted and my Bacon Balsamic Brussel Sprouts spent a little too much time in the oven.  A little crispy, but still tasty none-the-less. Winged the recipe this time.  Prepped bacon via the Perfect Bacon Method, recycled bacon grease to cook halved brussel sprouts.  Added a little more olive oil and couple of shots of…

  • 5 for 3

    3 jumbo eggs yielded 5 yolks.  crazy.

  • So what’s a Salted Caramel Mocha like?

    I’ve been pondering what the Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks would be like.  Today, (after another many time cat interrupted night of sleep), I decided to give one a shot. The barista got to the last step and said, “oops, we’re out of salt.” So, I’ll have to find out about the salt part some…

  • Pressure Cooker

    Why You Should Have a Pressure Cooker in Your Kitchen. Hehe.  “Old pressure cookers were dangerous as sh*t.” That carrot soup recipe looks pretty good.

  • And the other half of dinner…

    Crunchadillas from the famous Man with a Can and a Plan cookbook.

  • Mmmm…

    Roasted butternut squash with onions and bacon.  Had to exercise restraint to not inhale the whole pan myself.

  • Starbucks Bad

    Actually, other than their prices, they’re really quite nice. A fancy new standalone shop just opened down the street from me (on route 11, next to the Rite Aid, formerly Eckerd, formerly Sweetheart Market…) Good thing we’re moving to the other side of town in the near future. Yesterday, I went in for the first…

  • Panera Crispani, Thumbs Up.

    Been meaning to try Panera Bread’s new Crispani pizzas. Picked a couple on the way home from work last night. I had the sausage/apple, it was very good. Sandy had the roasted mushroom. I had a bite of hers and that was also dynamite as well. Size-wise, they’re comparable to a personal flatbread from unos.…