Author: jason

  • Running Update

    The big test for streak came today, the weekend.  Some how I was able to drag myself out of comfortable bed and added another half a mile.  Everything working ok, but callus on left foot is still kinda angry for the first mile or so.  Hopefully that beings to fade soon. Hmm, never noticed that…

  • No Complaints

    Arizona may be insanely hot much of the year, but right now it’s super pleasant with day time highs in the low 70s, loads of sun and nice breeze.

  • My Favorite Kind of Friction

    Got my renewal notice from AAA in the mail recently.  Decided that we really don’t need the service any more.  We haven’t had a service call in over 5 years and we don’t save enough money from their discounts to recover the $100 yearly charge. So, I logged into my account to cancel.  Cool!  there’s…

  • Still Running

    With temps in the high 30s, I got out my running jacket. Unfortunately, the combination of jacket and gloves makes my watch a pain to use. So, while I queued up a run work out as I was headed out the door, the crown click to actually start the run didn’t take.  So, no hard…

  • On Medical Scheduling…

    Have a kid that needs some imaging.  PA put in order and said if imaging department doesn’t call back, here’s the number to call.  Ok, cool… except the front office took the checkout sheet that had the number (and some other notes) when we checked out. Grumble. A few weeks go by, no call.  Ugh,…

  • The days are super nice…

    but the mornings are still pretty chilly.  40 degrees on the run today.  I’m glad that I didn’t second guess wearing 2 running shirts (short leave under long sleeve.)  It was nice to be running in the moonlight again.

  • Day Two

    Just got back from today’s run, less than 24 hours since last one.  Still feeling mostly ok. The callus by my pinky two on left foot still pretty angry, but I that should fade in the coming days. Felt good to make it during pre-dawn hours, even if it was pretty cool.  Oddly, it was…

  • Back on the road

    So, after 3 month break from running (meh, don’t ask…) I decided that today was the day to get back out there.  Staged clothes, shoes, and mp3 player last night.   After a slow start, morning kid stuff, I figured I couldn’t procrastinate any more and hit the road. It seems to have gone well.…

  • Quote of the Day

    Don’t set yourself on fire trying to keep others warm. Penny Reid, Beard in Mind

  • Well, I wish I knew that…

    Turns out I’ve been swallowing pills wrong my whole life.  The trick is to tilt your head forward instead of back.  My chonky probiotic daily pill now goes now much easier.