- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dave Matthews Band (84), Hayseed Dixie (25) & Lettuce (20) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrSdmnTC #
- Ran 6.28 miles in 59 mins and felt alright. kinda tired. slept enough, but not that restfully http://t.co/fNJCInLR #
- My training last week: 10 workouts for 29.05 mi and 3561 calories burned http://t.co/QePDvuJh #
- Don Hong-Oai. Photography in the style of a traditional Chinese painting of late Song and Yuan dynasties. http://t.co/553O2a4r #
- How to Make a Better Pringles Can http://t.co/tRGUYLOz #
- super! the illness going around the crowther house has come back to me. #
- Lunch buddy… http://t.co/fctfktLN #
- Ok. Everbody off the bus. http://t.co/uyFExFgR #
- feels like its gonna be another 1.5 boxes of tissues type of day. any time that sudafed wants to kick in would be great with me. #
- current status: http://t.co/qebwGBYz #
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