- Grill'n sausage patties and london broil #
- Said charring meat… http://t.co/d6fITgy7 #
- I walk, he sleeps.. http://t.co/EgK2L4Y1 #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Roger Waters (34), The Black Keys (28) & William Shatner (20) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrSdmnTC #
- Ran 5.79 miles in 61 mins and felt alright. slow and easy. trying not to relapse the back problem. http://t.co/1h1rSNSg #
- My training last week: 1 workout for 1.1 mi and 139 calories burned http://t.co/QePDvuJh #
- The Black Keys: No longer the underdogs http://t.co/8QSgEs71 #
- spammers have the best fake names. today's example? Barrister Ulrich Claypole. #
- wonder why some jerk felt the need to knock over all the street side garbage cans near armory square. #
- drained after 1.5H with out of control 2 year old. not sure how her mom survived the whole day without booting her out the window. #
- Ran 5.79 miles in 57 mins and felt good. was shooting for a little bit faster. ended up quite a bit faster. http://t.co/BNrYUUTB #
- Happy 5th anniversary, iPod touch http://t.co/lETXTQgL still love mine! #
- Noisy Typer – a typewriter for your laptop. http://t.co/L18gF5FQ #
- Getting that long overdue haircut… #
- Ran 5.79 miles in 57 mins and felt tired. nothing hurts, that's probably a good thing(tm) http://t.co/13SA1c96 #
- Oh goodie. Quality time with my dentist. Let the drilling and filling commence! #
- Family pizza time at great northern pizza kitchen! #
- Ran 5.79 miles in 57 mins and felt alright. wind! fall isn't far off now. http://t.co/dWDeME6M #
- Archer Farms® Coconut Macaroon Coffee — not too shabby http://t.co/OuflVZwY #
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