- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Bob Dylan (30), Dave Matthews Band (20) & Michael Jackson (18) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrSdmnTC #
- Carmageddon: Reincarnation by Stainless Games — Kickstarter http://t.co/UssDRdKl #
- interesting. folgers 'black silk' is actually bold and smooth. #
- waiting for the next available 'patient care representative' #
- something ironic about a robodialled dr. appointment confirmation ending with "we're looking forward to seeing you!" #
- My training last week: 1 workout for 5.79 mi and 792 calories burned http://t.co/QePDvuJh #
- ok, my new favorite git command? 'git reset –soft HEAD^' easily blow away a mistaken merge (prior to push, of course) #
- struggling to scrape more WTF off of old coworker code. depressing. #
- Exciting ride to dr. Stuck behind someone in a suped up bmw who I'm pretty sure was drunk. #
- At dr. Office feels like I never left. Not in a good way. #
- Wow, in the room 4 minutes after apt time. Score! #
- And done. They say fever was probably just a fluke. Foo. #
- combing the catalog for rocking to tunes to jump start my brain. #
- lets start with the remixed Rob Zombie, then some Lettuce, and then some Black Keys. #
- 2013 Ford Focus ST vs. 2012 Volkswagen GTI http://t.co/kOZyc1Ib #
- GIMP now (finally) available as a native Mac app http://t.co/Jy5kLiPW #
- Dynamically Generate Progress Pie Charts in Favicons http://t.co/t1vcieia #
- Why You Should Spiral-Cut Your Wiener – CHOW Tip – YouTube http://t.co/PrbMKbtN #
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