- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dave Matthews Band (62), Lettuce (32) & William Shatner (20) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrSdmnTC #
- An inside look at how we use Basecamp http://t.co/WNnMCAyo the insider's view. cool stuff. #
- Five years http://t.co/fTcEhrbx #
- melting nicely again as the temperatures continue to climb. time to stumble over to the thermometer and knock the a/c down a few degrees. #
- working my way the through the saranac summer brews: summer ale, shady, and the latest blueberry blonde. try it, its not what you think. #
- to clarify, that wasn't 3 beers back to back. I doubt I could still put words together after 3 beers. #
- All plated up http://t.co/yfqOwZKi #
- Taking a break from playing with sticks. http://t.co/DcIdYeqi #
- cool. all the doors in wife's jetta close and latch, but dashboard won't shut about a door being ajar. extended warranty to the rescue. #
- the last hour before #2 kicks off is getting more and more exciting. over-heated and over-tired infant is down right maddening. #
- 25 Hilarious Illustrations by Glennz http://t.co/uoatFQMW #
- Oh lawd. Traffic jam in f'ville. ETA to work approaching infinity #
- Traffic so slow guy in car in front us getting out of his car and walking up to the car in front of home #
- wait a sec! did that wine update fix my window decoration eating problem with YOG? #fingerscrossed #
- Profile of jasoncrowther – Code School http://t.co/EAezGEoW #
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