- Some how, I didn't know that Heid's has deep fried pickles! http://t.co/gSQK2Ny1 #moreplease #
- yesterday. 70 and sunny outside. me: crushing headache and inside most of the day. #
- today: 75 outside and nice out, want to take #1 to the park. countless attitude adjustments and time outs later, it hasn't happened yet. #
- thanking my mom and dad for not killing me if I acted the way the #1 does when I was her age. #
- now let me pay some bills, I'm sure that will cheer me right up. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (26), Beck (18) & "Weird Al" Yankovic (12) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- Mr Luke http://t.co/XcGe1wol #
- last night, #2 slept from 9:30 to 5:45. I'll call that sleeping through the night. #
- purging all the weekend spam from my inbox. #
- 80 and sunny again? I think I'm getting sick. cough cough. #
- Switching up #1 #039;s meds a bit. Like we need more mayhem around here. #
- Trying to shoot more video of the kids in hopes that I'll have time to edit it someday. #
- kinda ironic that spam from verisign triggers phishing alert in my email program. #
- man, this cough isn't getting better fast enough for me. #
- Happy 5th Birthday MindMeister! http://t.co/gevcIOfo #iPad3giveaway #
- Instant Chocolate Cake Recipe http://t.co/UZgXAkQG #
- Who Needs AAA? http://t.co/bKJiqkLt #
- It’s A Drawer, It’s A Room http://t.co/XFyaEOBJ #
- kinda living on sudafed these days. frightening how many I've taken in the last week. #
- The Black Blood of the Earth – cold extraction coffee http://t.co/3VPiOvPl #
- Zombies, Run! http://t.co/xD44BvXl #
- ok, #1 and #2 got play in the mud. http://t.co/bvVRR3nW #
- Syracuse Panorama: 1901 http://t.co/hhMWGrC9 #
- "As we wash our hands, so must we wash our brains." http://t.co/lp8ffyMf #
- #2 enjoyed watching a tall pine across the street get cut down. I did too, except for the 2 guys dropping f-bombs the whole time. #
- I LOVE NY Short Films: Crush – http://t.co/9HkhZdfD #
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