- enjoying the relative calm of my work office. well, until the jackhammers just fired up again just now. #
- is it just me or does firefox 9.0.1 crash constantly when you try to view gmail? #
- Wat — Destroy All Software Talks http://t.co/JSUftq8z #
- worst night yet for this stupid cold. hacked all night long. gonna be a crummy day. #sickofbeingsick #
- virginmobile no longer unlimited full speed data. they now start throttling at 2.5Gb #nicewhileitlasted #
- doesn't mean much to me, because my android phone is slow and crashy, I doubt I'd ever hit the limit anyway. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (27), The Black Keys (22) & Ted Nugent (15) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- we've moved on from croup to cough to mucus to fever. #enoughalready #
- Exergen Temporal Thermometer http://t.co/oZGFwPp7 works amazingly well. great for toddler who doesn't tolerate ear thermometers #
- reindexing iTunes library across network via pogo plug. estimated completion time, about a zillion years. #
- still think it would be great if iTunes 'adding files' modal window had a functional progress-o-meter. #
- Take Visual COBOL for a test drive today #saywhatspamsubjectlines #
- ok, if the cats don't stop walking all over my desk at home, the fur is gonna start flying any second now. #
- excuse me as I go vacuum all the litter out of my keyboard, again. #
- trying hard to get some work stuff done while the kids are asleep. wish me luck. #
- arch. why does iTunes want to automatically play playlist files it finds during import? #
- Two sick kids (one 25 months, one 1 month) makes for a long and frustrating day. #
- inhaling a quick breakfast in hopes of jamming in a few hours work before the wheels come off and the kids get up. #
- related to the best vacation I never had, enjoying paying for day care we don't get when jilly is sick. ouch, that hurts. #
- I wish I had a nice headset w/mic for use with Skype. oh, wait I do! let me unbox the plantronics DSP400 that's been on my shelf for years. #
- listing to Rush's Working Man. extra fitting as of late, it seems. #
- I should really shop the back room in my own electronics store more often. #
- ok, kids awakening. let today's mayhem begin. argh. #
- Happy to call this week done. Enough with the sick kids already. Let's have a few weeks without a dr visit pleez. #
- Hmm. Kids asleep, cat howling his head off. Feline homelessness likely to ensue. #
- Argh. Crushing headache after putting with unruly two year old all morning long. Let's hope a nap turns things around. #
- That cat snoring next to me is way too comfortable. I think I gotta fix that. #
- Hey twitter for iPad is pretty nice. Need to get me one. Or wrestle the mrs's away more often. #
- trying to sneak in a little work before little'ns go crazy. #
- pretty sure I've got pink eye. pondering going to dr. to pay them $30 to tell me and then give me an rx with $50 copay. #
- the crowther house, home of 24 parking. car parked on lawn at 5pm yesterday, car in my driveway at 2am. wtf? #
- do I really need to put up no parking and private property signs? #
- fyi- stopped splashing problem with cat water by putting water in a 30 gallon rubbermade bin. #
- ironically, captain splash-more doesn't splash water at all when its in the bin. #
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