- considering growing a mustache for Movember http://t.co/3osXaATB #
- English muffin pizzas! http://t.co/gdrRt8Sb #
- Manicotta headed for the oven… http://t.co/XspLnwwJ #
- Bat Girl! http://t.co/cbuscsY2 #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Ben Folds (68), William Shatner (39) & Gnarls Barkley (29) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- I’ve donated my face to #Movember & men’s health, pls give so it may grow: http://t.co/Jdp2FYod #
- oh, ubuntu 11.10, why does everything I run end up eating all my CPU? thunderbird, ff, banshee. #pleaseSuckLess #
- trying to decide if I like the new google reader look and feel. its certainly purtier than the old. #
- many thanks to @lowensteinbs for the ginormous challah he just dropped off. pondering the weight gain to ensue with its consumption. #
- CodeSOD: The Query of Despair http://t.co/I3CG5Asf #
- have I mentioned how much my peeps rock? not even 12 hours into Movember, and I've already raised $150! http://t.co/Jdp2FYod #
- guess I'm gonna have to be serious about keeping the goatee for a whole month now. #
- hmm. vacuum has marked decrease in suction. might be related to the 3 cats worth of hair trapped in the filter. #
- Mythbusters in Syracuse? Now we're talk'n. Sweet! #
- thank you android for resetting my desktop back to default yet again. argh. #
- trying to tweet from the formerly known as me menu in ubuntu 11.10 #
- wow. surprised that it actually works. is there keyboard shortcut for 'update status'? #
- Ask a Mortician, Episode 1 http://t.co/RNZ6u5BG #
- work work work. shopping, bills, chores, yard work. can I take a nap now? #
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