- picking spider webs out of my hair after expedition in the crawl space. need to drag the shop vac down with me next time. #
- rough night. jingles up every 2 hours. she's just a little sick. we're thinking maybe nightmares? #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dave Matthews Band (27), Umphrey's McGee (20) & Live (19) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- Fixin' to be another crummy night. Jingles already up once. Think it might be the big mirror in new room. Covered it lets see how things go #
- fixing to go postal if someone doesn't stop that car alarm going off continually right outside my window. #
- Fork the Open Source CMS http://t.co/3ySMzs3V that's a purty website they's got there. #
- dock says jingles doesn't have any have any ear infections. so waking up at night is either teething or 'night terrors'. gulp. #
- gonna be another fun night. night terror no. 1 already landed. #parentingfun #
- curious. iPhone 4s will be available on Sprint, but that fact hasn't made it onto the Sprint website yet. #
- apple fanboy-ist aside, the world of tech has lost its most beloved, hated, and unique visionary. thanks for giving us your all. #
- good steve jobs clips playing now on http://t.co/UV6Xhj3V #ripstevejobs #
- I just entered to win Dropbox Pro For Life FREE http://t.co/5B9Zhcwn via @appsumo #
- Great deal on Kernest Konstellations today – 76% off http://t.co/tgxNIhAx via @appsumo #
- wonder if the guy who invented the OSHA back up alarm beeper ever had to sit next a major construction project for a day. #
- Bright fall morning- enhanced by Paper Camera http://t.co/nFMev1kN #
- New Hotness: Extreme Jaccuzzing http://t.co/rhULwqLA #
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