- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Adele (34), Dave Matthews Band (31) & Live (17) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/UnfMQ0k #
- ok, can anyone else get to http://t.co/MQqgLaN? been unreachable for me since yesterday. #
- Combine Free-For-All http://t.co/RnLBaIo miss you carmageddon II #
- grinding mac to halt testing website on ubuntu vm from a win7 vm. everybody just get a mac, pleez. #
- ok, silly weather. why is there a tiny storm cell right over my neighborhood right when I wanna go running? #
- when (other watching a movie) would I use iTunes' lion style full screen mode? #
- stuff I use: keyboard launchers: on mac, quicksilver. on ubuntu, its cousin, gnome-do. #
- enjoying a 3600px wide desktop. at least, temporarily. #
- Whoa? Was that an #earthquake #
- not a pleasant run this am. thought my ongoing ankle issues were gonna be problematic. but, had a bad stitch in side for most of the run. #
- Sprint to Get Apple iPhone 5 – WSJ.com http://t.co/Rsb35ek #
- I totally got back to sprint for an iphone 5, if their service in my neighborhood didn't suck. #
- The Great Washington Earthquake of 2011 – The Washington Post http://t.co/u8euq7N via @schumonk #
- Breaking: Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO (Updated) http://t.co/WgKMMyw #
- Hurricane Tracker http://t.co/lrySy8B #
- hmm. only 20 minutes to realize that 'dbi::mysql::mydb' != 'dbi:mysql:mydb' #
- probably enough programming for today, I guess. #
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