- happened to have a gmail window open will using amazon app store on my phone. reciept showed up before app finished download. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Black Keys (44), Joe Satriani (28) & David Gilmour (21) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- dying of thirst after a hot 8 miler this morning. #
- digging http://t.co/bakxzPh mac, android, and web clients very similar. me likey. #
- not sure I wanna know why photoshop cs3 on mac needs a java run time… #
- Mojocast #2 Placeholders, methods, and formats http://t.co/JXTeZ67 #
- waiting for my win7 virtual machine to boot so I can test a feature in stupid IE9. argh. #
- I love how recent versions of Firefox make all textarea input fields resizable. Woot. #
- ready for my afternoon nap after birthday get together for @tiffrogers78 at danzers. that was one fine reuben. #
- awesome heat lightning during the run this morning. could have done with out the 2 minute downpour though. #
- cool, NPR is playing Beastie Boys for bumper music. #
- Apple reacts to London riots http://t.co/Ac6REk2 #
- for sale, 1 cat. $25. Limited time $50 rebate. immediate delivery available. #
- Beer Brewin’ Bender http://t.co/RqutU9J #
- Mac 101: Capture your signature using OS X Lion's Preview app http://t.co/Q0jQAT1 #
- Dear Aunt TUAW: What is this cheap iPhone data plan you speak of? http://t.co/ZsiDuTC #
- I love you #YUI menus, but I'm guessing its damn near impossible to customize your CSS with out the help of Firebug. #
- curse you @woot, and your too tempting monitor deal. #
- my favorite non-kosher tool of the day? http://t.co/Mdhw8jL #
- Apple releases Lion Recovery Disk Assistant http://t.co/UYLtxf9 #
- Giggling to myself as I work on a little side project. Mojolicious makes building web apps fun again. #perl #
- trying to resist another woot. would I take more pictures if I had something more portable? #
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