- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Emmylou Harris (30), Stevie Wonder (28) & Amos Lee (25) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- wee one in nappy land. fairly uneventful morning. let's see if I can make a dent in some paper work. #
- oh fun, digging out service records for the about to be returned car. don't know if its cool or sad that I keep all that junk. #
- time to make the donuts, then bail a little early to fetch the new wheels. #
- fixing to having a psychotic incident if the OSHA back up alarms outside my work incident don't stop soon. #
- mercy. 90 minutes to take delivery of new wheels. most spent waiting for new insurance cards. never had that wait before… #
- oh yeah, network fun at the offsite server tonight. #smashMyPhone #
- think its also dolphy day at lemoyne. rumblings from campus, but no fireworks yet. #
- worst marketing line ever. http://bit.ly/l1an2s #
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