- pizza roll enjoyment to ensue http://picplz.com/WMh3 #
- crunch! a touch too fast? http://picplz.com/WMhv #
- giving firefox 4 (beta 11) a shot on mac. pretty nice, no crashes, and somewhat faster. gestures plugin not yet compatible. foo. #
- It Never Really Gets Old http://bit.ly/hTurAr #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Black Eyed Peas (31), Roger Waters (31) & Genesis (29) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- Relatively drama free weekend. It seems all the jilly bean is interested in is eating and sleeping. #
- new virtualbox is snappy. spins up my xp machines in 3 seconds. #
- of course, they crash a minute or two later, but I think that's just XP being XP. #
- another crash and burn night with jilly. bottle and bed NOW! #
- a couple of cool 3d pics in the last retweet, btw #
- winter, please go away. http://bit.ly/h7G0RY #
- Wow! The updated twitter for android has a lot less suck… #
- Waiting on the shuttle from the dub dealer to the office. #
- If it wasn't so cold I'd go out and check out the new rides #
- hate some when I think something is broken, but I'm just a retard because I can't remember how its supposed to work #
- how fitting. using git blame to assign blame. #
- hmm. jb seems to have picked up another cold. some nose dribble and cough again. didn't sleep well, gonna be crank all day. #
- fixing for another bout of winter mess. might not be a false alarm, 2" of snow magically appeared in my driveway in the last hour #
- 6" on snow in the driveway. Pull start the snowblower and the cord breaks. Snowblower did turn over. Win? #
- Almost. Got from the garage to the street and the it stalled out. Argh. #
- saturday fun. chores, chores, and more chores. and try to fix snowblower. #
- Gonna Shower It Right Into the Danger Zone http://bit.ly/ffDUv7 #
- target, again? http://picplz.com/RWXd #
- its not my birthday. but i'll take some pizza please http://picplz.com/RWXG #
- wow! babies r'us is huge! http://picplz.com/RWcD #
- Successful first dinner out with the jingles. Even got her to have a few bites of pizza. #
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