- hmm. why is twitter prompting with a basic auth login from time to time? #
- Olde Timey http://flic.kr/p/8L4Rtw #
- What'dya know? You can have flickr tweet your new pictures. Handy. Good bye twitpic #
- End of the Road http://flic.kr/p/8L1RV2 #
- oh fiddlesticks, there's a genesis emulator for android? http://bit.ly/crItQX #
- remembering just how good the zen coding plugin is for komodo edit #
- New Book: Host Your Web Site in the Cloud by Jeff Barr http://bit.ly/bV9k8o #
- why was I not aware of google chrome's built in dev tools? good stuff! #
- Google Chrome Developer Tools Tutorial http://bit.ly/cZCFoB #
- finding OSX's internet sharing kinda useful #
- google calendar sync on android phone, too cool! #
- no more need to schedule SMS reminders! #
- manhood reaffirmed. Installed new flapper in toilet. #
- hacking away again this morning. can't shake this stupid cough. #
- Yet Another Use For Post-Its http://bit.ly/cTg3UH That is a fantastic idea! #
- firing up the engadget live blog for apple announcements. #
- hey @activestate (or lazy web) is it possible to have more than 5 projects 'open' at the same time in Komodo Edit? #
- grrr. wife's car dead. in the garage. perfect. think its the starter. #
- what are the odds that the our extended warranty contract covers towing? #
- Preparing for some less than enjoyable teeth scraping at the old dentist #
- hey superpages, great redesign. you've succeeded in making it even harder to find the phone number. #
- Fook. Not starter problem just a dead battery. A jump and $54 service charge #
- Getting battery tested now. Probably ripe for replacement.. #
- new battery had. like everything else vw, its an oddball size and expensive. #
- Spent after a long that seemed be pretty much non-stop running. Fading fast… #
- ready for a nap after a delicious bowl of whole wheat penne at pastabilities #
- I like my paper thin mac keyboard but still lust after one of these… http://bit.ly/a7KUzr #
- we do I feel like I'm hung over ever saturday morning? didn't drink at all last night. caffeine withdrawal? #
- 2 cats, 1 baby, 1 wife napping. why am I awake? #
- jilly upgraded to big girl car seat. Doesn't know what to make of facing front. #
- Enjoyed some fine burritos from the tacquerus #
- Enjoyed some fine burritos from the tacaqueria. Couldn't get in the door at the new Chipotle down the street. #
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