- after a day with only 1 20 minute nap. jilly out at 6:30. work her up at 7:15. another bottle and she was down for the count. #
- pretty impressed with using WordPress as a generic CMS. the only thing I needed to add was the NextGen Gallery #
- eek. window cleaners crawling out to clean my 5th floor windows. #
- in the rain. good thing I don't do windows. #
- rough night for jilly bean. either teething or beginnings of a cold. #
- she was up about every hour. yuck. #
- eeek. #newtwitter finally hit my account. interesting stuff… #
- increased the tracking on my apple magic mouse by about 150% by removing a cat hair lodged in the sensor. #
- forecasting another night of wake up calls from jilly. was a fight to get the bed time bottle down. #
- hmm. #newtwitter says my tweets are failing, but they seem to be making in regardless. #
- night not as bad as expected only up once. still mumbling and moaning a bit from time to time though. #
- trying to remember a time when my brain used to work. foo. #
- Levytator claims to be the world's first bendy escalator http://bit.ly/b8Vxza #
- Apple iPhone 4 vs. Motorola Droid X camera « tnkgrl Mobile http://bit.ly/9Qmysm #
- No surprise that after being drooled, coughed, and sneezed on a zillion times I've picked up Jilly's cold. #
- nothing I enjoy more than being sick. and too tired. #
- Crab Table, Crab Table… http://bit.ly/9SdHn7 #
- Turn a Pogoplug into a Full-Featured Linux Web Server http://bit.ly/dcc0c4 #
- Teambox is an Open Source, Social Network-Influenced Online Project Management App http://bit.ly/deKXRZ #
- Man, feeling like crud. Hope the latest sudafed kicks in soon… #
- the biblical flood seems to be subsiding. good news that my roof repair at home seems to be holding up. #
- can't wait for bro's wedding this evening. good times to be had. #
- sigh, nose still dribbling and now I've got a hacking cough starting up. perfect for the weekend. #
- Enjoyed a great extended visit from NYC bro; good times for him and the jingles. #
- Close to Home http://bit.ly/dpvRDH #
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