- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Michael Jackson (17), Modest Mouse (14) & Meat Loaf (13) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrSdmnTC #
- ok, wine and SQLYOG, you can stop eating my ubuntu window headers. #annoyed #
- attempting to scrap serious suck out of some 1st generation ajax code. oh, my brain, it hurts. #
- My training last week: 1 workout for 4.49 mi and 506 calories burned http://t.co/QePDvuJh #
- 2 year old with no listening ears and a cranky overheated 5 month old have done worn daddy out, again. #
- current status: melting. pondering turning down the a/c a few clicks so I stop leaving puddles all over the house. #
- Quality time with my dental hygienist. Fun stuff. #
- Cool there must be a new cell tower near my dentist. Data actually works here now. #
- Apple – OS X Mountain Lion – YouTube http://t.co/fBqwgK9D yes, please. especially for only $19 #
- Carved Book Landscapes http://t.co/SiO4FTYa #
- Exploring Expressions of Emotions in GitHub Commit Messages http://t.co/rcke7PHF #
- Template::Plugin::Dumper http://t.co/woITilZp why don't I use this more? #
- preparing for post Dinosaur BarBQue nap. #
- do yourself a favor, learn how to use the splice command. you'll thank me. #
- awesome photo canvas packages from cg pro prints. http://t.co/y5vLSDuo #
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