- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Genesis (21), Umphrey's McGee (20) & Michael Jackson (16) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- trying to quickly pay bills during a rare quiet moment in the Crowther house. #
- reliving the good old days of bootlegs. downloading a 1Gb show in 100Mb chunks. #torrentplease #
- Current Status: Pink Floyd: London 1989 http://t.co/FjrfWPlv #
- Surprised that I still have a music player that plays shorten files. #
- realized my everyday walking shoes were beyond worn out. that explains why my feet were aching every morning. #
- let's see how these new all terrain New Balance kicks work out. stiff but comfy. #
- Watched most of the superbowl. Must be getting old not; enough energy to find something else to watch. #yawn #
- would be real nice if folks you're supposed to be testing with showed up on time. #
- that construction drill noise outside my window is delightful. almost as delightful as the jackhammer it seemed to have replaced. #
- nice mojo tear off with DBIx::Class MojoExample – http://t.co/4HLBIfUr #
- oh, lookie there my phone was crashed for at least 10 hours. had to pull the battery and wait 5 min for it to reboot. #fail #
- attempting scrub suck off of some old code. frustrated. #
- Hoping to sneak in a long overdue hair cut… not sure about how successful I'll be. #
- props to @VMUcare for making it super easy to swap phones with no human support. #
- getting caught up on random housework before the kids get up. semi-successful so far. #
- Another crazy saturday at the crowther house. Far too much whining, crying, and yelling. #
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