- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Roger Waters (34), Umphrey's McGee (28) & Johnny Cash (19) #tweeklyfm http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- Number two is overtired and playing the lets keep spitting out the pacifier game. Argh. #
- super, 6" of snow overnight. oh right, it is winter. #
- Mojolicious (Introduction)- Google Docs http://t.co/GTzSyPUc #
- trying to do some IE testing in a virtual machine. xp decides now is great time to restart on its own to apply updates. #fortheloveof #
- wondering why a xls file with 10,000 rows (6 simple columns) is 3.3Mb. whatevah. #
- hanging out with Lukey while momma takes jingles to the dentist. #
- sad that jingles missed seeing the garbage truck. that's one of her favorite tuesday activities. #
- endless coughing slowly be replaced by endless sneezing. #
- almost a coffee emergency at the office. good thing there was enough pike for one more pot hiding the freezer. #
- Basecamp Next's caching hardware http://t.co/15axhgoD #
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