- boosting the ailing furnace with fancy digital space heater. still forecasting heart attack when opening next utility bill. #
- considering moving computer off my lap after noticing that battery is starting to bulge. #
- twittersphere: will a first generation macbook run without a battery? (when plugged in, duh. some lappy's gotta have one even jacked in) #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Dave Matthews Band (22), The Black Keys (17) & Amos Lee (16) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- great way to start the week… almost couldn't get my car out of flat driveway. I think I'm done with winter. #
- bummer, I used to like to listen to Last.fm stations on my Squeezebox. oh well, no time for such stuff lately anyway. #
- VW Passat 2012 http://bit.ly/dWaQof jury still out for me. #
- yea! more snow. always nice when blow goes by at 30 miles an hour and knocks over all your curbside garbage. #
- hmm. roads worse that first appear. happy to people slowing down a bit. #
- Snowpocalypse http://chzb.gr/hYSk0v #
- ok weather, you don't like me and I don't like you. do we really need 5 degree low tonight when I've got a busted furnace? #
- Hmm 2:37 am and up with a sick wee one. Needed full wardrobe and bedding change. Gonna be a grrrrreat day, can see it now. #
- And a repeat performance 15 minutes after we get her back in bed. #sickkidssuck #
- pleasant sounds of old furnace being dismantled. feel free to use hammers if you like. #
- electrical line to furnace is not grounded #notSurprised #
- old furnace out. just fit through crawlspace access. #
- bonus. contractor says they're happy to haul away other misc HVAC junk accumulating in crawlspace. #score #
- ooooh. new thermostat. sexy. well, as sexy as thermostats go. #
- new furnace pre-install http://picplz.com/nt8r #
- sucks to be an installer. getting furnaces through there was fun http://picplz.com/nt8N #
- high-tech. look at all them wires http://picplz.com/nt96 #
- snag. brackets for old furnace no in right place for new furnace. rejiggering to ensue. #
- How To Easily Track Your Time With Tictoc http://bit.ly/dPg9va #
- Marathon man preps for second live stream, with multiple iPhones, iPad http://aol.it/fX8cTo #
- Furnace install completed at 7:30pm. Guys were pretty well spent. Let's see if the house is more comfortable now. #
- Ahh the heat just kicked off. Seems like first time in weeks. Relax with a Rheem. #
- mmm. some 'As I Lay Dying' is effective as coffee for getting my brain going. #
- regaling co-works with fun stories of furnace replacement. #
- Jilly just unlocked the Stairmaster badge. Up, up, and away. #
- Ice Dam It http://picplz.com/ns28 #
- Nuts. The wee ones got a bum tummy again. Gotta see if there's something going around the daycare. #
- Any chance I could get a week with about 75% less suck; this week was rough. #
- the beans up early 'cause she hungry, but a little afraid to eat. boo's. #
- oh yeah, and I'm have some new stomach pain. guess I'm next for the heaves. #
- nice to see NYS car registration went up $20 since last time I renewed. Born free, taxed to death. #
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