- good eating to ensue http://flic.kr/p/8WPLDy #
- mmm. shepard's pie was excellent. #
- fairly productive weekend. birthday party invites out, christmas cards ordered, the normal weekly chores, more than average cooking. #
- … and even crossed a few items off the christmas list. have you been naughty or nice? #
- before I forget again, installing blue beanie avatar. go web standards! #
- RIP Leslie Nielson – Don't Call Me Shirley! #
- realizing that my magic mouse kinda sucks compared to my logitech vx mouse. adding new logitech mouse to wishlist. #
- anybody wanna buy a used apple magic mouse in very good condition? $35 takers please send a direct message. #
- Ubuntu 10.10 upgrade complete. Let the meyhem begin. #
- video a bunch more snappy in ubuntu 10.10 me likey #
- use Face Sticker to give yourself a blue beanie. http://face-sticker.quodis.com #facesticker #bbd4 #
- I woulda used face sticker myself, but I just dug out my avatar from last year. #
- nice to see that ironing board I put to the curb last night was snatched up by somebody before the garbage guys got to it. #
- lazy web: is there an iMovie class video editor on ubuntu yet? #
- Whoa, IE put on the blue beanie! Awesome! #
- snow. foo. oh well, guess it had to happen some time. #
- say, what happened to the broadcast type in field in the me menu? it was there yesterday. I did some updates, but nothing that related… #
- ok after posting from gwibber its back. odd. #
- whoa! 100 followers! almost feel I have to start making my tweets more important. #
- Hello, beautiful… Tower Is a Graphical Front-End for Git (on mac) http://lifehac.kr/i6nthj #
- after nearly getting run over by a ditzy driver in the garage attendant said "need to add some chlorine to the gene pool around here…" #
- love my clients. option one, open (5th floor) window, exit. option two, get some booze for my coffee. #
- mercy me. prototype.js' Element.clone() is crazy cool. http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/Element/clone/ #
- $A($('myId').getElementsByTagName('TR')).reverse().each(function(s){ ..}); #coolOrScary #
- almost stuck in the in-laws driveway. curse you crazy erieville weather. #
- first part of ride was a little nailbiting. dusting of new snow is a crisis for folks who can't remember how to drive in the winter #
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