Category: Web Development

  • Dissecting Gmail’s Email Attachments

    Dissecting Gmail’s Email Attachments – Web Standards Sherpa. How to do modern file uploads with drag and drop and feedback.  Good stuff.

  • Squarespace Commerce is Here

    Squarespace Commerce is Here — The Official Squarespace Blog. If their e-commerce tools are as well thought out as their other stuff, this will be a game changer.

  • Quick Tool of the Day: Support Details

    Support Details | Tech Support Management. Quickly summarize browser details, just by visiting a site.  Easier than asking folks to dig stuff out of the about menu and gives other details like cookies and javascript being enabled.

  • Anatomy of Backbone.JS Part 2 – Code School

    Anatomy of Backbone.JS Part 2 – Code School. Fun stuff!

  • WAT, a classic…

    Came through my feed again, and still makes me giggle…

  • Testing made easier in Internet Explorer

    Virtual tools | Testing made easier in Internet Explorer | modern.IE. I thought saw Microsoft virtual machines for testing IE previously, but you probably had to be an MSDN member.  Now it appears they’re ripe and ready for everyone.  Yikes, they’re huge downloads!  IE10 on Win8 is 2.5Gb, IE9 on Win7 is 4.7Gb! I wanna…

  • Perl is not Dead…

    An interesting presentation on the current state of my language of choice:

  • Cool Tool of the Day Decodes all the craziness in modern browser user agent strings.  It would be nice if everybody would stop trying to emulate everybody else and just be there own thing.  WTF? abounds.

  • Not my daddy any more

    Finally getting around to moving to a new registrar.  I’ve heard lots of good things about Hover.  Out of the gate, their domain registration process is about 100 less clicks than godaddy, who tries to sell you everything under the sun. I also transferred an existing godaddy registration over to them with zero hassle.  They…

  • Revenge of the Domain Blow Out!

    I tried selling some domains a while back, but all I got was some scammer trying to sell needless domain appraisals. This time around, I really want them to go.  So, I’m pricing them at the rock bottom price of $200 each or $1,000 for all six. Have at ’em:…