Author: jason

  • Spring in the Desert

    I’m not sure if it’s an epic year for spring blooms, out of just that I’ve been outside more than usual to see them, but they’re pretty incredible this year.

  • The Streak Continues

    Yesterday, I woke up completely fragged from the week. Chore mode took over and suddenly it was dinner time. Uh, running? oops. Even though I was pretty wiped out, I still managed to sneak out for a run after the child units were put away for the day. The run went ok, but it felt…

  • The Streak Continues

    Haven’t had much to report. Doing 3.3-ish miles on weekdays and a little further on the weekends. Everything feels pretty good; kinda stiff at the start but things seem to work ok once everything gets up to temperature. Looking at some lifetime stats on my Garmin Connect profile page, I see that my Garmin watches…

  • TIL: Sub-Octave Basses Exist

    Mercy, this thing goes loooooow.

  • Oops, unscheduled downtime

    Hmm, it appears that Monster Insights WordPress Plugin updated itself at some point with a bug in it and took out my whole wordpress site. All pages just responded with a page saying that a Critical WordPress Error has Occurred. Gulp. I guess that’s probably better than a raw php error though. Anyway, the fix…

  • Mmmm, half moons!

    Well, they’re the not the OGs from Hemstrought’s, but these are from Chompie’s and they’re pretty good. Oddly enough, they go by Bland and Whites around here, but the person behind the counter knew what I meant when I asked for half moons. Kinda prices at $4 each, but mostly worth it.

  • Spruced up the home page a bit

    Previously, the home page here was pretty static, just an image and some basic intro text. That’s probably not the best for SEO, so I changed the layout into a 2 column affair and added a Latest Posts widget so its a little more obvious that the site is actually being updated. I’m still trying…

  • The Best Thing You’ll See Today

    Can’t go wrong with collab videos with Simone and Laura. So, good.

  • Horror Artist

    I don’t think I’ve linked this guy before, but he’s a horror artist that starts with children’s coloring books as source material. Equal parts disturbing and amazing.

  • Meep meep

    A real life roadrunner!