Here’s a quick and dirty Mississippi Pot Road recipe via Al Bladez. Super flavorful with a minor kick of heat.

- 1 Beef London Broil (size doesn’t really matter, as long as it fits flat in your crockpot)
- 1 Packet (1oz) Au Jus Gravy mix.
- 1 Packet (1oz) Ranch Dressing mix
- 8 oz sliced peperoncini
- 4 oz reserved peperoncini liquid from the jar
- Coat one side of the roast with half of au jus mix and half of ranch mix. Pat it in to make a crust.
- Put the roast in the crock pot seasoned side down.
- Repeat au jus and ranch mixes on the second side.
- Place peperoncini on top of the seasoned roast.
- Pour the peperonchi liquid over the meat.
- Cover the crock pot, cook on high for 4-5 hours.
- London broil should be fork tender. Break up with 2 forks or some tongs and mix with the cooking juice and serve.
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