- Som going for distance records when spitting pacifier out of mouth. Let me go pick it up for the 187th time today. #
- #lastfm Artists: Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass (18), Red Hot Chili Peppers (14) & Frank Zappa (14) http://t.co/GrShTXUw #
- 'cause ctrl+alt+backspace was way to easy to remember http://t.co/vqo4Z14B #
- Restarting GTD with Sleep Hygiene http://t.co/J00f34VC #
- Oh great, think that jilly has that stomach bug that's been going around the daycare. #roughnightpart234 #
- booting in win7 just long enough to burn install media. then installing linux. woo-hoo. #
- so, burning that 'system recovery disk'. "this backup may be up to 26Gb in size." oh, great. #
- slightly less frustrating day so far. think jingles may be on the mend. #
- lukey found his thumb last night. "hey, I think I'm on to something here…" #
- Homestead Steel Works http://t.co/W7h1xxh2 amazing panarama #
- totally enjoying some aimless web browsing whilst the kids nap. #
- Ripoff apps plague some iOS developers http://t.co/7hPxHyoS #
- Goodnight, iPad http://t.co/tfkqGXVO #
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