- success! weed whacker restrung. think I'm good for another 3 years. new line seem strong enough to cut down trees. #
- say what, pulled pork on a pizza? well hello, sweet carolina at great nothern pizza, I think I love you. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dave Matthews Band (56), "Weird Al" Yankovic (24) & The Black Keys (15) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- paying bills. realized that by paying online, my creditors don't get to enjoy the tear stained return envelopes. #
- Atlantic City Friday Photos | Dave Matthews Band Caravan http://bit.ly/npFE9z #
- reviewing some old code and finding primitive attempts at ajax using CGI::Ajax. yikes! #
- Waiting in line for a looong overdue haircut… yikes, 9 to go… #
- Historical Thursday: Louie Mattar’s Non-Stop Road Trip http://chzb.gr/qDL3Yf #
- I'm on a boat! http://picplz.com/PlzQ #
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