- lazy start to the day ended with snow removal session number 1. also did some crazy icicle detachment. #
- once upon a time, emailing pictures to flickr from a phone used to work great. now, I'd say its successful only 25% of the time. #
- …and when it fails, no errors. perfect! #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Rob Zombie (18), Santana (17) & Pink Floyd (15) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/dOtiLV #
- didn't cross much off the to do list today, but squeeze in a 15 minute nap. #
- dexter has already been locked up for the night (due early bed time for the wee one) and is currently howling his head off. #
- think he's got a date with the spray bottle. #
- hmm. radio said 8 degrees out. my car said -2. made it to work ok, but will be another 20 minutes before fingers fully functional again. #
- i.e., it took about 2 minutes to type that last tweet. #
- Scottholm Neighborhood Documented By Cornell Students http://bit.ly/fPn4yu #
- awesome. house smells like a gas station. snowblower fuel line seems to have sprung a leak. argh. #
- I can remember having energy after 8pm. Then kid happened. I wanna go to bed when she does. #
- Interesting. Free wifi at car dealer. Who says wifi on phone isn't useful? #
- FastMac U-Socket http://engt.co/h4HpA6 brilliant! #
- Got my baby back from the dealer. Can now reliably refuel again. Woo hoo! #
- argh. dealing with a non-paying ebay buyer is a hassle. #
- oh, and by the way, it was the fuel door release switch that was busted and not the latch itself. warranty repair, so whatever… #
- thinking I'm going for a personal best in # of emails sent in one hour. #frazzled #
- nothing I enjoy more than server errors on one of my online banking sites. go ahead, charge me another service fee. #
- Collaborative drawings on Tzigla http://bit.ly/hzfbMm (via @thomasfuchs) #
- another snowblowing adventure. pretty sure its just spraying me with gas at this point. still moving snow pretty good though. #
- oh yeah, another 6 to 12 inches incoming today. super! #
- Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. (Abraham Lincoln) #
- as valid with tech tools as hand tools. #
- enjoying a few minutes on the interwebs before passing out from another overbooked week. #
- paying bills and crying. #
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