WordPress Update

After seeing a scary WordPress update warning on mashable.com, I was guilted into doing a little maintenance work on the old blog.   I was half way through the normal WordPress update procedure that I know and don’t really look forward to… backup the database, back up the site’s files, download the new release, unzip and copy over the existing site.

I was already through the back up stuff and about to download the latest source when I read in the upgrade instructions and saw the Automatic Upgrade option.  I saw the link upgrade link in the admin interface previously and thought it was just a link to the download page for the latest release.  Not any more!  Its actually an update function.

Since I already had everything backed up and I clicked and confirmed that I wanted the auto install option.  After a minute or two I got some status messages on the updater’s progress and final message that the update was successful.  Wow, that was pretty painless.

Well, at first blush.  Oops, I should really rename my custom theme directory, my bad.  The upgrade was happy to replace my custom stuff with the default.  No worries, easily copied over from the back up.  Hmm, seems to have lost some of the widgets in my sidebar.  Easily restored with the widget manager.  Guess I’ll have to give the site a good going over look for other little things.  Oh well.

I really gotta get around to doing some redesign work anyway…





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