Mucca Pazza?
Is this a record number of people in a Tiny Desk Concert? Very entertaining to hear and watch.
More Poo Pourri Fun
Phew, can’t stop giggling.
Seriously, please don’t use the all-new VW Golf to drive through a Target
Drawing Robin Williams
Amazing hyperreal pencil work.
Billie Jean on Beer Bottles
Nice! via
Cool Bike Lock
Jilly Crowther, aspiring singer
I suspect she may be watching a little too much Frozen. Frozen – Let It Go from Jason Crowther on Vimeo.
Genesis: Live 1973
I’m pretty familiar older Genesis stuff, but I haven’t seen much of it live outside of a few Genesis tribute bands over the years. Now, a lot of good stuff is available on youTube, complete with HD video and decent audio, like this gem. Young Peter Gabriel is pretty surreal.
Crazy Mountain Bike Ride
Go-pro footage of some insane cliff riding and monster jumps. via
Golf Masters
What if it was mini golf? Cool!