Quote of the Day
Don’t set yourself on fire trying to keep others warm. Penny Reid, Beard in Mind
Website The Oatmeal trolls HuffPo over cartoons published without permission
That’s how you get drawings of butts and pee-pees on your website Source: Website The Oatmeal trolls HuffPo over cartoons published without permission
Interview: Jimmy Fallon : NPR
If you don’t think about your problems for one hour, then I did my job. Source: Interview: Jimmy Fallon, Author Of ‘Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada’ : NPR
there’s going to be one killer blues session in heaven tonight
“B.B. may be gone, but that thrill will be with us forever,” Obama said. “And there’s going to be one killer blues session in heaven tonight.” Source: What do Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton have in common? B.B. King
50% of parenting is spending quality time with your kids
50% of parenting is spending quality time with your kids. The other 50% is figuring out how to get them away from you. Reasons My Son Is Crying — 50% of parenting is spending quality time with….
Quote of the Day
If you’re going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill