Category: Uncategorized
FunctionFlip (One Thing Well) Nice!
Plants might power your phone soon
Plants might power your phone soon (DesignFaves) Now, if I could only keep the plant alive.
Christmas Booby Traps
Christmas Booby Traps ( That’s pretty awesome!
Stunning CGI time-lapse of NYC getting invaded by plant life
Stunning CGI time-lapse of NYC getting invaded by plant life (DesignFaves) Be sure to watch it all the way through
Build a Behemoth Cold Brew Coffee Drip Tower
Build a Behemoth Cold Brew Coffee Drip Tower (Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers) Cool project! Wish I had the time and space to put a rig together.
Reimagining neon lights as a home accessory
Reimagining neon lights as a home accessory (DesignFaves) Cool stuff!
Metaphor ( Oh, the memories of when my kids were that young.
Amazing video show icy shards piling up on Lake Superior shores
Amazing video show icy shards piling up on Lake Superior shores (DesignFaves) Great stuff.
The Best Thing You’ll See Today
Yes, its a Cookie Monster iPhone commerical…
Watching the world’s fastest cheetah in slow motion will leave you in awe
Watching the world’s fastest cheetah in slow motion will leave you in awe (DesignFaves) That’s some smoooooth Ali-mo there…