Category: Uncategorized
Follow Up for that twins thing from earlier…
Ashton Kutcher Tweets Out A Side-By-Side Steve Jobs Comparison Photo, The Resemblance Is Striking! | Redmond Pie. Twins, in a different time. Whoa.
Strangers Who Look Like Twins
Strangers who look like twins: ‘I’m Not a Look-Alike’- slideshow – slide – 1 – We’ve all been told that we look like so and so, but these pictures are kinda uncanny.
Leap Motion
Saw a prototype demo for this a while back and was kinda impressed. This appears to be pretty close to the actual production version. You can pre-order now for $69.
Woot! From here.
Why is my car so cranky today?
Oh, that’s why… 0°F in my driveway. Dipped down to -4°F on the way to the office. The National Grid bill this month is likely to be frightening.
Rochester’s Adventure in Optimism : Rochester’s Adventure in Optimism. I’ve read about the Rochester Subway’s rise and fall before, but this article had more depth and loads of good pictures. Interesting stuff.
Mike Rowe: Learning from Dirty Jobs
An oldie, but a goodie.
How I spent my weekend…
Saturday, 3 hours removing about 500 lbs of ice off the gutter and roof in front of the house. Rocked it old school: framing hammer and masonry chisel. After first I was just trapping away. After half an hour with not much progress, I started just wailing away. Good for removing the ice, because it…
Pen Porn
Pilot Namiki Vanishing Point Fountain Pen – Broad Nib – Black Matte Body – I’m not a big pen collector by any means, but this retractable fountain pen is pretty impressive.
Seen the new David Bowie video?